
Monday, March 30, 2015


Happy Monday everyone may the Lord bless and keep today I decided to do this topic on marriage ,divorce and remarriage and above I have added scripture verses in relation to each topic,the bible is our only truthful book,please dont set your heart on the the views of your pastor,friend or family as Jesus said the truth will  set you free,free from  adultery .please read Romans7 CHAPTER in its entirety,pray and seek Jesus and he will guide and lead you in all truth.AMEN

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Jeremiah 29:13

Happy Sunday I pray that the Lord will bless your hearts today .Message I wanted to share with you is we need to seek God with all our hearts, all our souls , all our might, set all your hearts and desires on Jesus, only Jesus can help you he will carry you through.We are living in a time of great apostasy in churches, great deception on mass scales, people are turning away from the truth and following feel good messages.we need to seek the Lord with all our hearts and let the Lord's truth set us free.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

God's Love

Happy Saturday everyone a great and wonderful love the Father has for each of his creation, it's very evident in this verse I've added today he gave up his son to save us all from sin, Our God will not withhold any good thing from us.May the Lord bless and keep you live for Jesus, repent of your sins today.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A narrative poem Depth Of Love

Happy Wednesday everyone today I posted a video of me reading a narrative poem about God's awesome amazing Love with such depth , such passion in his heart for us, I truly hope that this poem inspires you to live for Jesus, accept his everlasting lasting love and the gift of salvation a price paid in full with his own life.God bless you look to Jesus his love never fails or disappoints.Amen

Monday, March 23, 2015

God's Love Letter To Us

Happy Monday hope everyone enjoys this video I came across with such depth and with great love the Father has for us, he upholds us in the palm of his hands, he is lovingly waiting for us to come back to him.There is no sin too great that the father can't forgive.Nothing can separate us from the love of our Savior and heavenly Father.

Monday, March 9, 2015


Happy Monday may the Lord bless and keep you repentance is not about  telling God you are sorry for your sins,but true repentance comes from the heart,a deep and sorrowful plea to God begging for forgiveness and earnestly desiring to turn away from all sins in your life,asking Jesus to dwell within your heart and be the Lord of your life,surrendering all the Jesus,living for Jesus each and every moment of our life ,doing the will of Jesus and not the will of self/the flesh.My plea today is REPENT AND LIVE FOR JESUS HE IS COMING VERY SOON,REPENT WITH ALL YOUR HEART,WITH ALL YOUR SOUL,WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT!!! GO TO JESUS IN TRUE SORROWFUL REPENTANCE.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Love Not The World

Our Lord is not of this world neither should followers of Christ  be conformed the practices and rituals of the world,the lust of the flesh,the lust of the eyes,all forms of sexual immorality,lovers of money , lovers of self rather than lovers of GOD and his truth and holiness,forsake the world and hold on to JESUS BE YE CHILDREN OF LIGHT AND NOT OF DARKNESS . FOLLOW Jesus Today.Be Blessed Jesus Loves You.