
Saturday, June 25, 2016

There Is Something About That Name Jesus

Happy Saturday everyone,would like to thank those who have continued to view the blog during my absence,I pray that the Lord's grace and goodness be with and  always abide with you,please continue to pray fervently,keep your eyes on Jesus,he is Our only hope.The night is far spent,please prepare your hearts and minds for the coming of the Lord,that day draweth nigh,the signs are all around us,all over the world disasters,sickness,diseases,volcano eruptions.Please live for Jesus repent of all your sins today,today is the day for those havent already accepted your Lord and Savior,your life is but a mist it can end at any moment,please repent while life is still in your veins,it is a scary thing to die and eternity stands before you and know  within your soul you are destined for everlasting punishment  because you rejected the love of the truth,you rejected Jesus the Savior and Master of all Mankind.Be Blessed Jesus Loves you!He that hath an ear,let him hear.

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