Happy Thursday everyone may your hearts and souls be filled with great joy,for we have a Savior that is risen from the dead,the sting of death couldn't hold him,Jesus is alive!For all Christians all over the world suffering death and oppression for your faith know that Jesus is with you,he will never leave you,nor forsake you.Be of Good Courage,Be of Good Cheer Saith The Lord for The Lord hath overcome the world,FEAR NOT ! What man can do unto you,who can only kill the body,but fear him that can destroy both the body and soul in the lake that burns with everlasting fire.Be Blessed Jesus Loves you !A plea from the Lord's heart Blessed children, my beloved one's,I love you,turn from your ways,repent of all your sins,come and follow me today,my love is sufficient,my grace is sufficient for you,I love u,I love dear ones,I love you,I created you,I died to save you ,I patiently wait for you to call upon me and return to me,I am your God ,Your Father.I love you.
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